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Most of our books are sold in pdf format. This format is compatible with many devices and eReading apps and programs. Please check that you can open and read pdf files before buying an e-book. We cannot take responsibility for customers finding that they cannot use an eBook if it has been successfully downloaded. We suggest that you download (or check that you have) appropriate software installed on the device on which you will read the eBook before making a purchase.

Downloading our e-books

Once you have bought an eBook title through our website, you will receive an email. Once you have purchased an eBook, the download button will remain on the webpage for that eBook title permanently (when you are logged into your account). This enables you to download the eBook multiple times and on multiple devices. However, only the individual purchaser is licensed to use the eBook.

Kindle and Hard Copies

Kindle versions and Hard Copies are available from Amazon. You don't need to have a Kindle reader to be able to use this format – you can download free Kindle Apps for your desktop (both Windows and Mac operating systems), your iPad/iPhone or your Android device, though the ePub eBooks sold from our website will work just as well on these devices! Kindle downloads can be

Use of our eBooks and licensing

Sharing an eBook is not the same as sharing a copy of a physical book. Sharing a digital file involves creating and distributing a copy of the original file and this breaches copyright restrictions. When you buy an eBook, you are purchasing an individual licence to access the data, which is not the same as buying a book in print. When you download an eBook, it is electronically watermarked for use by the customer who made the purchase, and only that customer is permitted to use it.

eBook returns

Unfortunately, as eBooks cannot be physically returned, we are unable to offer refunds on successfully downloaded eBooks. Please check the title is what you want and the format is suitable for your device/browser before completing your purchase. If you have purchased an eBook, but not downloaded it, you have 28 days in which to cancel the purchase, and we will issue a full refund