Reasonable adjustments for mental health at work
Acas has issued new guidance on reasonable adjustments for mental health at work for both employers and workers, in conjunction with Affinity Health at Work. Acas says that it is important for employers to take an employee's mental health problem seriously and with the same care as a physic...
Draft Code on Fire and Re-hire Practices
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has published new best practice guidance on fire and rehire. This is when an employer dismisses an employee and rehires them on new terms which are less favourable. The Draft Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement came ab...
Minimum Wage, SSP etc. rates for 2023
Minimum Wage Increase from 1st April 2023 The rates of the National Living Wage (NLW) and National Minimum Wage (NMW) will rise from £9.50 to £10.42 per hour on 1 April 2023. Increases will be as follows; a 92p, or 9.7 per cent, increase to the NLW for those aged 23...
Social media like leads to dismissal
Dismissed for liking a post In the Employment Tribunal Case of D Trench v H Patel and Performance Bar Ltd.,Damaris Trench was sacked from Trebles Bar in Lincoln , after sharing a Facebook post which called the owner "creepy”. The post which was originally made by her boyfriend, a...
New Acas guidance on suspension at work and mental health
Suspension from work and mental health Acas has published new guidance for employers on suspension. The guidance emphasises the importance of considering alternatives to suspension which will help to lower risks while protecting the integrity of the investigation and the wellbeing of colleagues....
Pharmacists and nurses can now issue fit notes
The fit note Employees in England and Wales who are unwell or injured and absent from work for more than 7 days are usually required to submit a 'fit note' to their employer, certified by a doctor, stating that they are unfit to work, or that they "may not be fit for work" subje...
£15,000 for whistleblowing dismissal
Employee dismissed for whistleblowing In T Rajtmar v Uneek Clothing Company Ltd , a Forklift Truck Driver was suspended and then dismissed by his employer Uneek Clothing for whistleblowing about dangerous loading of pallets in a warehouse. The Facts Mr Raitmar was operating a forklift...
Employer pays for dyslexia discrimination
Disability discrimination payout for dyslexic accountant In Patel v Lucy A Raymond & Sons Limited, a trainee accountant who represented himself has won a case against employer, after his boss said she had made “the wrong decision in giving a dyslexic person the job” whilst firing...
Menopause at Work
Menopause and the Workplace The Women And Equalities Committee, a cross-party House of Commons committee has published Menoplause and the Workplace, a report which calls on the Government to take various actions on menopause in the workplace. The report considers the cost to...
Lack of facilities for breastfeeding is discrimination
Forcing an employee to feed a baby in the toilets and car is sex discrimination In the case of Mellor v The AFG Academies Trust , the Employment Tribunal has ruled that an employer’s failure to provide facilities for expressing breastmilk was sex harassment. There is no legal right to...