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New Acas guidance on suspension at work and mental health

Posted On: [10/10/2022]

Suspension from work and mental health

Acas has published new guidance for employers on suspension. The guidance emphasises the importance of considering alternatives to suspension which will help to lower risks while protecting the integrity of the investigation and the wellbeing of colleagues. Alternatives to suspension might include changing the times and place of work, adjusting the type of work which is carried out, or controlling those with whom the employee comes into contact.

Useful guidance

Even though, it is written for employers, it provides useful guidance for you, on the reasonable steps that your employer must take in deciding whether a suspension is necessary. The guidance reminds employers that suspension can trigger or worsen existing mental health issues for the employee under investigation. The guidance also makes the point that suspended employees are likely to be less visible to managers than usual and that mental health issues during this time away from work can be missed or underestimated. It is therefore important to be proactive and to signpost sources of support in letters, emails and calls to the employee.


Suspension during an investigation at work