Presidential Guidance Employment Tribunal

The Presidents of the Employment Tribunals issue Guidance on how Employment Tribunal procedures should be conducted. The Presidential Guidance 2018 addresses case management issues including:

  • amendment of claim and response
  • adding or removing parties
  • disclosure of documents
  • preparation of hearing bundles
  • witnesses and witness orders
  • preparation and exchange of witness statements
  • disability issues
  • timetabling
  • remedies
  • costs
  • concluding a case without a hearing

The Presidential Guidance is published under Rule 7 of the ET Rules 2013 which states that Employment Tribunals must have regard to such guidance, but they are not bound by it. [see Employment Tribunal Guidance, The Employment Tribunal Process, How to prepare your evidence for the Employment Tribunal, Layout of the Employment Tribunal Hearing Room, Layout of the Employment Appeal Tribunal Hearing Room, Finding the money to pay for your claim, How to complete the Employment Tribunal claim form, Time Limits in the Employment Tribunal]