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Agenda for Case Management in the Employment Tribunal

Agenda for Case Management in the Employment Tribunal
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Agenda for case management in the Employment Tribunal

When the Employment Tribunal accepts your claim, you will receive a notification that your claim has been accepted. The notification is usually accompanied by a date for a case management hearing and a template Agenda. The Employment Tribunal will ask you to complete the Agenda and send it to the Employment Tribunal Office before the hearing. The Agenda helps the Employment Tribunal to manage the case by making sure that all details are correct and setting dates for when things like witness statements should be exchanged. Your employer will also receive a case management form.


How to complete an agenda for case management form and prepare for the preliminary hearing

Agenda for Case Management (England & Wales – PDF version)

Agenda for Case Management (England & Wales) – Word version



Application for a judgment in default 

Application for a Witness Order

Application for Costs

Costs - Points of Dispute Form

Schedule of Costs

Application for disclosure of information

Application for further and better particulars

Application to amend your claim

Application to postpone or adjourn employment tribunal hearing

How to withdraw (stop) your claim in the employment tribunal

Last Updated: [03/08/2022]