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Employment Statutory Codes of Practice and Guidance

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What Are Codes of Practice?

Codes of Practice for employment provide guidance and direction to employers and employees on what to do in particular circumstances.


Equality Act 2010 Code of Practice

Equal Pay: Statutory Code of Practice

Internal Procedures

ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

ACAS Code of Practice 4: Settlement Agreements

ACAS Code of Practice 5: Handling in a reasonable manner requests to work flexibly

Data Protection

Employment Practices Code

Immigration and Illegal Working

An Employer’s guide to right to work checks

Illegal working penalties: codes of practice for employers, 2019

Trade Union Activity and Collective Bargaining

ACAS Code of Practice 2: Disclosure of Information to Trade Unions for Collective Bargaining Purposes

ACAS Code of Practice 3: Time Off for Trade Union Duties and Activities

Code of Practice: Access and unfair practices during recognition and derecognition ballots

Code of Practice: Picketing

Code of Practice: Industrial Action Ballots and Notice to Employers


Code of Practice on Labour Market Enforcement Undertakings and Orders

Code of Practice on the English language requirements for public sector workers


Discipline and Grievances at Work – the ACAS Guide

Age discrimination: key points for the workplace ACAS Guidance

Transparency in Supply Chains etc. A practical guide Guidance issued under section 54(9) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (2017)

Guidance on matters to be taken into account in determining questions relating to the definition of disability (2011)

Guidance for employers on the recruitment and retention of transgender staff

Cabinet Office – Principles of Good Employment Practice

Staff transfers in the Public Sector

Cabinet Office Guidance on Settlement Agreements, Special Severance Payments and Confidentiality Clauses on Termination of Employment

Last Updated: [10/09/2021]